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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

pengapit owhhhh pengapit....

skg ni, ari² sakit belakang...hu2..
kesian kat daddy, tiap ari kena tolong urutkan....
nk tggu bby punye psl, daddy pun sanggup ape saja....hehehe...

sabtu ni ade kenduri kat Wangsa Maju...
tp dgr kisah sedihnye, pengantin lelaki tu masih lagi mencari² pengapit....
ssh ke nk cari pengapit???
ssh tauuuuuuuuuu...

dulu masa mlm kenduri (25 Disember 2008)....sampai mlm kenduri pun ktrg lom dpt pengapit lelaki sbb org yg sepatutnya jadi pengapit tu tak dpt cuti (sbb keja hospital hkl)....
org tu kena keja....
nasib la kebetulan ade abg sepupu (sepupu suami) yg kebetulan jgk pakai baju melayu sedondon ngan pengapitku...rezeki pengapit la time tu agaknye..
tp i ade 6 org adik beradik lelaki yg leh jadi pengapit...
mmg dah stanby siap² dah.....hehehe....
klu tak, huru hara gak la kot....
mgkin jgk rzki sb i dah byk kali tolong apitkan kawan² kawen...hehehe....

so, sape2 nk kawen tu...
pastikan ada pengapit yg betul2 leh bg commitment on da day uols nk kawen tu ek...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

week 34!!!

dah tak lama dah...
lg beberapa minggu je nk jadi mummy dah...

sgt mengujakan....

sume kelengkapan bby dah siap beli....
a-z insyaallah...

harap mr. daddy sabar jaga mummy dlm keadaan skg..

mlm² ditemani sakit belakang, kejang kaki...
mr. daddy jugak la yg dgn relahati urut²...
thanks sayang...
bertuah betul di jodohkan dgn kamu...
harap bakal² ibu yg lain seperti aku pun dpt pengalaman yg sama...
sb, klu mengandung tanpa ditemani suami amat memeritkan...
tgh² mlm nk bgn buang air pun ssh sbb kaki kejang..
nk berdiri lama² pun sakit tumit...

klu awal² preggy dulu, hubby yg masak sendiri..
skg dia jgn la yg bertungkus lumus mnyiapkan keja umah..
dia plak yg jd mr. mummy....
t.kasih sayang.....

syukur ditemukan insan sehebat kamu......

next week, pregnancy masuk mggu ke 35..sure lg bertambah dugaan...
makin dekat makin byk sakit² ringan tu....
tu la pengorbanan seorang ibu.....
tp tu sume menjadikan kite seorg yg matang...
skg ni jaga diri sendiri...
nnt jaga anak plak, lain plak dugaannya.....

Fetal development in pregnancy week 34

Your amazing baby is on the move! They’ve been riding fairly high in your stretched-out womb till now (while kindly compressing your poor internal organs), but now they’re planning on making the big move to your pelvis this week. If you haven’t noticed it already, you’ll be feeling the weight shift that signals that your baby is most likely out of breech position, with their head now resting on your pubic bone. In liver news: although not quite fully formed, your little miracle’s liver is now capable of processing a certain amount of waste. In general, most of your child’s prenatal physical development is pretty much up to snuff and ready for the outside world. Naturally, further weight gain is expected—so you’re still not at maximum capacity despite probably feeling like you definitely are maxed out.

And how's mom doing? Obviously the big change for you is the notable weight shift (known as “lightening” or “engagement”). Now that your baby is resting deeper in your pelvis, you may find yourself walking as if you're carrying a watermelon between your legs. Yes dear, you’re officially “waddling” these days. Try to comfort Now that your baby is resting deeper in your pelvis, you may find yourself walking as if you're carrying a watermelon between your legs yourself with this thought: it’s nearly over. Soon, you’ll just have to carry your adorable little watermelon in your arms. And in a rare spate of good news: this weight shift means you can breathe easier now that your lungs aren’t compressed. The not-so-good news, it’s a trade off: (we’ll wait till you’re back from the restroom) this new position has your poor bladder even more squished than before. We’d recommend writing your bladder little love poems to convince it not to leave you altogether, but unfortunately bladders don’t speak English (only Italian love poems will do).
If you've recently noticed some less-than-appealing itchy red bumps on your belly (and possibly around your thighs and belly), you've got yourself a harmless but not fun round of pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP if your don't have the patience for the full name). If you feel itchy ALL over your body, that's different, and you should call your health care practitioner as this could be a liver problem.
At your next check up you can expect your physician to conduct a Group B Streptococci test (GBS), a common bacteria screening. As long as you have a strong immune system, you’re in the clear (one more reason to eat right and exercise!), but your little one is more susceptible to serious health complications (including meningitis, pneumonia and blood infection) if not diagnosed and treated properly—so the tests are good for some peace of mind. Hang in there momma, you’re already a super-star for making it this far!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sekian lama......

Setelah sekian lama, ni la baru bukak blog…
Baru la leh update..
Bkn takde perasaan nak update, Cuma blm berkesempatan….


Rsnye, mcm dah hamper sethn la tak masuk blog ni..
Kesian dia..kena tinggal..

Dulu, dok cite psl org kawen jer..

Tp bile sendiri kawen, lsg takde cerita dlm blog ni…

Tau2, …erm…phm2 jer la…

2-3 ari ni, asik dgr psl org keguguran jer..
tkut plak…
risau..mcm2 la…
Cuma,stakat yg mampu..jaga diri sebaiknya….
Insyaallah..klu ade rezeki…Tuhan akan bg…
Klu takde tu, mgkin blm masanya…
Dgr cite psl Dynas pelakon tu, anaknye meninggal dlm kandungan..
Sedihnya…..taktau camana nak hadapi klu jadi kat diri sendiri…..

Dgn kandungan dlm usia 11 mggu ni, hrpnya…si comel tersayang dlm perut ni sentiasa sihat….ibu dah tak sabar2 tunggu…..
Ibu tak sabar nak shoping baru pertama untuk anak ibu…
Nak dgr tangisan pertama anak ibu di dunia…
Sayanggg anak ibu……..

week 10!!!! sangat mengujakan....

Your baby has just passed a major milestone! This week they've officially graduated from a mere embryo to the respected title of fetus! At this point, all of their major organ systems are developing, they're getting ready to make their first baby poop, they've nearly doubled in weight, and with Doppler technology, you could hear their little heart beat!